At a Santang (Deity worship place) in Lambar village, Kinnaur. Photo: Tanisha Negi
Cultural Heritage,  Culture,  Himachal Pradesh

The Thepang: A Symbol of Kinnauri Culture and Identity

Storyteller : Tanisha Negi
Rekong Peo, Kinnaur District,
Himachal Pradesh

Read this story in Hindi

Kinnauri Topi. Photo: Tanisha Negi
Kinnauri Topi. Photo: Tanisha Negi 

“For me, the Topi brings up so many stories,” says Mahesh Negi, with an earnest laugh, his eyes looking elsewhere as if lost in those memories. 

The Kinnauri Topi is more than just a cap—it’s a symbol of culture, identity, and pride for the people of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh. This film takes you on a journey through its rich tradition, showing how the Topi has been a part of life’s most important moments, from weddings to visits to the Santang, the sacred home of the village deity. It stands as a mark of respect and hospitality, woven into the fabric of Kinnauri life.

At a Santang (Deity worship place) in Lambar village, Kinnaur. Photo: Tanisha Negi
At a Santang (Deity worship place) in Lambar village, Kinnaur. Photo: Tanisha Negi
Celebrations at Ukhyang festival in Ribba, Kinnaur. Photo: Tanisha Negi
Celebrations at Ukhyang festival in Ribba, Kinnaur. Photo: Tanisha Negi

Over time, the Topi has changed. Once hand-sewn with care, it is now made for a growing market, blending tradition with modern fashion. The film also reflects on how the 1990s brought big changes to Kinnaur, as a boom in apple cultivation brought wealth to the region, shaping not just livelihoods but traditions too.

Women preparing topis to give to guests at a wedding. Photo: Tanisha Negi
Women preparing topis to give to guests at a wedding. Photo: Tanisha Negi

As Kinnaur’s economy grew, the traditional Kinnauri Topi began to change too. Its design and use started reflecting new influences, shaped by changing times. This film looks at how shifting economic conditions and evolving fashion have reshaped the Topi’s role in Kinnauri life. An interesting part of the story is how men and women wear the Thepang, or Topi, differently. 

This film explores how the traditional Tephang—a cap that doesn’t really protect from the cold or heat—has become a strong symbol of Kinnauri culture. Find out how this simple piece of attire brings the community together, representing a shared identity and the rich heritage of Kinnaur. Join us as we look at how the people of Kinnaur stay connected to their roots while embracing the changes of modern life.

The Kinnauri Topi with different decorations. Photo: Tanisha Negi
The Kinnauri Topi with different decorations. Photo: Tanisha Negi

Meet the storyteller

Tanisha Negi

Tanisha Negi aka Nicky is a 3D Artist. She has completed B.Sc. Honors in Mathematics from Gargi College at Delhi University. Her work expands across various mediums including 3D modelling, graphic design, video editing, digital illustration and more. She is interested in learning from folk cultures and exploring diverse ways of storytelling.

तनिशा नेगी, जिन्हें निकी भी कहा जाता है, एक 3D कलाकार हैं। उन्होंने दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के गर्गी कॉलेज से गणित में बी.एससी. ऑनर्स किया है। उनका काम 3D मॉडलिंग, ग्राफिक डिजाइन, वीडियो एडिटिंग और डिजिटल चित्रण जैसे कई क्षेत्रों में फैला हुआ है। वे लोक संस्कृतियों से सीखने और अलग-अलग तरीकों से कहानियां सुनाने में दिलचस्पी रखती हैं।

Voices of Rural India
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Voices of Rural India is a not-for-profit digital initiative that took birth during the pandemic lockdown of 2020 to host curated stories by rural storytellers, in their own voices. With nearly 80 stories from 11 states of India, this platform facilitates storytellers to leverage digital technology and relate their stories through the written word, photo and video stories.

ग्रामीण भारत की आवाज़ें एक नॉट-फ़ॉर-प्रॉफ़िट डिजिटल प्लैटफ़ॉर्म है जो 2020 के महामारी लॉकडाउन के दौरान शुरू हुई थी, जिसका उद्देश्य ग्रामीण कहानीकारों द्वारा उनकी अपनी आवाज़ में कहानियों को प्रस्तुत करना है। भारत के 11 राज्यों की लगभग 80  कहानियों के साथ, यह मंच कहानीकारों को डिजिटल तकनीक का प्रयोग कर और लिखित शब्द, फ़ोटो और वीडियो कहानियों के माध्यम से अपनी कहानियाँ बताने में सक्रीय रूप से सहयोग देता है।

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2 months ago

God story 🫡🥳

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